Growing together.
At The Life Church we love our role of coming alongside students' spiritual journeys in our student ministry, Thrive. We are working hard to supply them with a community where they can work through their beliefs and learn to love each other well.
Thrive meets every Sunday night from 4:00-6:30PM at The Life Church.
On the first Wednesday of every month we have our HUGE Student Rally take-over. This is a night of high energy worship and awesome Bible teaching. Every other Wednesday night of the month, our students meet for games and then they break into grade specific/age specific small group Bible studies. The other three weeks of the month, our students meet in small groups where they intentionally discuss Biblical topics and how to apply God's word to their lives.
Small Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
On the second, third, and fourth Wednesday of the month, our student's meet in small groups to dig deeper into God's word. These groups are small in number and grade and gender specific groups in order to create commonality and safety. If you're a student that's interested in being a part of Thrive Student ministry, we'd love to see you on Sunday nights at 4:00-6:30pm!