First Impressions

New guests decide if they’re willing to return to a church within the first seven minutes of their initial visit. It’s up to us to make those seven minutes magical.


The Life Church's First Impressions ministry has an important job: To make newcomers feel welcome, to make the regulars feel at home, and to create a friendly atmosphere where anyone can walk in and immediately sense God's love at work. The following values contribute to these goals and are followed by everyone on our weekend Dream Team.

Building Relationships

- Our Dream Team's goal is to connect with everyone and put them at ease. Rarely will people remember what you say, but they'll remember how you make them feel. Interact with everyone in a personable way (i.e. eye contact, remember names, talk to the children, get eye level, etc.)

- Don't treat first-time guests like VIPs, treat them like family. Remember, people aren't looking to feel important, they're looking to feel connection.

- Stay focused on the guest you’re talking to, not on the next conversation.

- Lead guests to their destination rather than just pointing.

- Ask questions to help discover next steps they may not even know they're looking for (i.e. how long have you been attending the church? Have you attended Next Steps? Are you a part of a LifeGroup? Have you ever considered joining the Dream Team? etc.)

Create Excellent Environments

- Our environment is comfortable, clean, clear.

- Make sure everything is set up and laid out with a purpose.

- No taping up paper signage or using found objects to create signage.

- Take ownership of our spaces. If something needs to be picked up or cleaned, take ownership of the mess and don't assume that someone else will come along and clean it up. 

- Everything should be set up and in place at least an hour before service time.

- All Dream Team members should attend dream team huddle at 8:45.

Exceptional Service

-  We exist for everyone, not just first-time guests. Even the most seasoned member of our church may drive on to our campus having some sort wall up. It's our job to begin taking bricks down from the moment their tires hit our parking lot. Remember; the way we interact with people matters.

- We are an every weekend ministry.

- All Dream Team members should be approachable (i.e. eye contact, smiling, welcoming, etc.).

- All Dream Team members should initiate the “hello” and “goodbye” with attenders.

- 80% of people that meet the pastor on their first visit will return for a second visit. If you're taking first-time guests on a tour, go out your way to make sure they meet Pastor Leo.


Our First Impressions team consists of multiple moving parts coming together for a singular purpose. What role have you been called to fill?

Greeting and Next Steps

The Greeting and Next Step Team serves by being a consistent source of support, encouragement, and information for attenders on their way in and out of weekend services. Our Greeting and Next Step Team is strategically placed around our campus as to be readily available for anyone that may need assistance. 


Ushers serve attenders in the Worship Center by connecting with those that have found their seats. Identify first-time guests and make yourself available to them in the event that they have any questions. Ushers also guide the flow of traffic during busy services, assure people can find an empty seat, and maintain a safe and comfortable environment for attenders before, during and after service.


A lot of people believe that we reach people for Jesus from the stage, but at The Life Church we believe we start reaching people for Jesus in the parking lot. The parking lot is where we make our very first (and most important) impression. The Parking Team helps identify first time guests and guides them to a first time guest parking spot. From there they radio to the welcome tent that there's someone attending for the first time. The Parking Team is also responsible for helping direct traffic on busy Sundays, and is responsible for identifying any specific needs any attender may have.

Welcome Tent

Welcome Tent hosts are placed at the entrance of the church and are a ready source for information to anyone in need. Welcome Tent hosts also serve as a first-time guests best friend. We encourage all first-time guests to stop by the Welcome Tent to fill out a Connect Card and pick up a free gift for joining us for worship. In the event that a first-time guest stops by before service, they should receive their gift, a tour of the building, and any help they may need checking in kids for the first time. From the tent to the chair, our welcome tent hosts are their best friend. 

Connect Desk

Every week we desire to see people get more connected at The Life Church. Our Connect Desk hosts are located at the Connect Desk in the middle of the lobby and are here to help people take Next Steps and get deeper connected at The Life Church. Whether it's signing up for events, classes, or a LifeGroup, you're every person's one-stop-shop to get connected.


Are you ready to make a lasting impression? Are you prepared to wow people in ways they never expected? If lighting the way for those who come to The Life Church gets you excited, then you’re in the right place.